Monday, December 6, 2010

Room for the Sun

Admittedly, I’ve been following the ladder around in my posts, but it provides an opportunity to showcase some of the features of this house. Today the picture is of a 2nd floor room that faces the south. It’s precisely the place I’d want to be at this time of year on a cold, yet sunny day.

All of the windows in this home, including those in this sunroom, were repaired. The weights were rebalanced and the sashes were repainted.

1 comment:

  1. This really looks beautiful compared to the original pictures, unfortunately I am disabled and just saw the same problem I have now stair case. I am a receint partialy paralized woman in her very late 40o's and am married, I am looking for relocation in n.e. Pa. closer towards my daughter whom lives in Phillipsburg, N.J. and Sufferen, N.Y were my mother lives without leaving Pa. I live currently right next to Gettysburg, Pa., but am originally from N.J. I am looking to for handicapped housing with a medium dog for my husband and I and possibly my son he is 21 and might want to stay here at present we do not know, I need to get closer towards good professional doctors whom can deal with a rare sci disease w/o a cure so a wheel chair acessible place is needed do you know of any or anyone whom my have such places at a low income level SSD and Sec.8 voucher I have yet to use and have been on all the lists for many years I can give you great references even from UCP folks that have worked for me and with me, I keep a well kept house very clean and my little basset is very house trained, I am desperate to get good medical before I loose a foot that I have been complaining about for 1 1/2 yrs and the docs. around here do not seem so much in a hurry to find what is going on, and when I see an er doc they just look with sympathy (I have hedicare) and are afraid to even put a sock back on that is how bad it is, I need a little city doctor in a country setting if possible thank you for listening. Diane = Thank you and again I love those big houses but now for the stair, grew up in one with 8 other brothers and sisters, and the stocking going down the bannister for xmas was beautiful...
